BOOK: The Preacher and His Models, by James Stalker

I have been trying to get my primary website back up and running in a fully functional manner for some time, however personal issues including illness and surgery, among other things, have prevented me from progressing with the work as rapidly as I would have liked. I changed hosting companies a number of years ago and the work of uploading the entire site, while improving it, is taking a long time. I am making progress though, so I am thankful for that.

I have been able to get the book, ‘The Preacher and His Models,’ by James Stalker back up again and now in a PDF. This book is available via the link below:

Download the book at:

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Leadership and Reading

The link below is to an article that takes a look at church leadership and reading, with some very good practical tips.

For more visit:

Article: Create a Reading Culture In Your Church

The link below is to an article that offers some helpful advice on how to set up a reading culture in your church.

For more visit:

Article: How to Read a Christian Book

The link below is to an article that offers some helpful advice on how to read a Christian book.

For more visit:

Article: Pastoral Theology – Book Recommendations

The link below is to an article containing book recommendations in the area of pastoral theology.

For more visit: